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HomeEventsLadies Ride - 8:30 at Gate 1 in the village or Ziggy's at 9:00 Coffee/Lunch -- CANCELE-WIND-

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Ladies Ride - 8:30 at Gate 1 in the village or Ziggy's at 9:00 Coffee/Lunch -- CANCELE-WIND-

Date and Time

Tuesday, May 7, 2024, 9:00 AM until 12:15 PM


Start at gate 1 of the village or Ziggy's


Event Contact(s)

Kyle Exline


Women's Rides

Registration Info

Registration is not Required

About this event

Route map - Kirsten #2

Weekly Ladies Ride - Route map- (Kirsten's-ride)  Gate 1- Country Club - Lagae- Monarch Stop at Ziggy's to regroup- Castle Pines PKWY - Daniels park- Grigs - Monarch - Bike Path - Surrey Ridge Loop -Back home. This is a generalised map. 15, 20, and 26 mile options are available for riders. Ride will typically be determined by concensus of the participants. Coffee following at Ziggy's