Annual Out-Of-Town Cycling Adventures
Every year VIC² organizes a long weekend getaway event, alternating between out-of-state, and within our beautiful state of Colorado. The past several years have included Napa, Aspen, Santa Barbara, Steamboat Springs, Moab and Sedona.
The weekend includes a combination of dinners, sightseeing, and organized rides. Riding memories from the past trips include riding the Ink Grade in Napa, The Fig in Solvang, Independence Pass, Rabbit Ears Pass, The Big Nasty in Moab, and Mingus Mountain. Our visits to the Silver Oak Winery, Salvatore Espresso Machines, Woody Creek Tavern, Moots Bicycle Factory, Strawberry Park Hot Springs, Arches National Park and Page Springs and Winery have been among great sightseeing events.
You need to be a member to join us, so sign up for the 2023 season and we hope to see you our next adventure.