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2020 Signature Ride

VICC had another successful Signature Ride for 2020. Our theme was “Meet your Neighbors”. We chose an outdoor pavilion at Coyote Ridge Park as our base of operations. 16 members gathered for a day of biking and camaraderie.


Members rode a circuit thru local neighborhoods gathering points primarily by three mechanisms.

1)    Identifying items by solving riddles related to objects along Daniels Park Road,

2)    Being observant and locating select residential yard decorations in the Surrey Ridge neighborhood,

3)    Combining brainpower to answer questions regarding various bike related trivia.





We enjoyed good weather and had limited congestion at our pavilion site where appropriate COVID measures were followed. The ride looped thru familiar routes to VICC members with a couple minor adjustments to stimulate our desire for something new.


The Cycling committee organized two teams of seven riders competing for the honor of victory. Each team was assigned a monitor/guide to ensure uneventful riding. A checklist of point items and an outline of general rules were provided to each member. The groups rode a leisurely circuit in opposite direction from one another to identify and photograph the various items. The winning team was the recipient of a Colorado made and emblazoned beer mug. A modest token for their earned efforts, working as a collective.


Here are the proud team members (Plus Tom Tulk, as the honorary recipient of the most aggressive advocate for the losing teams points tally.) of the victorious team with their prize.




Mike and Greg were the judges responsible to review the collection of photos required to document the identification of the items and tabulate the points accumulated by each team. Although specific items were envisioned as the correct answers, reasonable alternatives are always considered, and full or partial point value was awarded for inventive submissions. Contrary to vicious rumors, bribes were not solicited by the judges and all rulings were legitimate and final.


The Social committee made arrangements for prepared food to be provided to the participants followingcompletion of the riding component of the event. No one went home hungry, and due to volume pricing, the Club was left with an abundance of snack chips for use on future ride events.


All in all another successful VICC event.